There’s a shift in your methodology with pluto in your sign. You’re evolving your world and expanding your professional dreams. This might take you farther away from your original professional vision than you had thought. You will also be enthusiastic about your career in a way you haven’t before.
on january 19, the sun enters aquarius, allowing you to discuss your passions openly with others. If you believe it, then it can happen now.
the twenty-ninth brings the new moon in your sign, which will allow you to put your dreams on paper and make decisions about how you want to manifest them in reality. This will help you work out all the kinks and bumps that might come your way while you move forward with your new professional endeavor. Just don’t be hard on yourself on your path to success. If you believe in yourself, you can make anything happen. You’re on your way to greatness when uranus turns direct on january 30.