This month ahead gives you time to work with and even consider the future of your own financial wellness. You have to make some decisions right now, which might ultimately create shifts in your relationships at work.
the cancer full moon on january 13 will inspire you to lean in to your intuition and assert your desire to ask for more money at work. The caveat to asking for a raise is that it will ultimately start drama among your coworkers during this luminary, as they are envious of your achievements.
before you act out and defend yourself against their emotional behavior, take a step back and ask yourself if it’s worth the trouble. After all, you did get the money you asked for and deserve. What difference does it make if they are exhibiting behavior that is less than professional? Don’t feel bad for protecting your emotional and financial well-being. To be honest, you have to ensure your own financial security. After all, you’ve earned it through your hard work.