Sagittarius Romantic
March 08, 2025
On march 2, there’s a tense square between the sun and your home planet jupiter that could cause some issues in your love life. Freedom versus commitment is a topic that’s on your mind, because you might be feeling torn between wanting independence and being close to someone. Be sure you aren’t giving out mixed signals, sagittarius.
on the fifth, a mercury-pluto s*xtile sets the stage for some very deep, transformative conversations, but opening up too much and divulging too many secrets (your own or someone else’s) could get you into trouble. In love, it’s important to find that perfect spot between being vulnerable and keeping your guard up. Things get serious on the twelfth when a sun-saturn meeting in psychic pisces encourages you to look at the reality of your love life. It’s easy to ignore little red flags when you’re just starting to get to know someone, or to downplay your partner’s weaknesses, but you don’t get anywhere now by remaining blissfully ignorant. On march 22, the sun meets up with venus in driven aries, giving you something to think about. If you’ve been feeling a little detached or uninspired lately, this conjunction brings the kind of excitement you’ve been waiting for. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, be open to new possibilities and romantic adventures.
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