Valentine’s day comes early this year, sagittarius, because your best date night will be when venus enters aries on the fourth. This is an ideal time for passionate romance, so get ready to heat up those cold nights. You might even find your better half when jupiter turns direct on february 4. Take a gamble on love!
get out of your comfort zone and have some fun during the leo full moon on the twelfth. This is a great night for an adventurous date to help you learn more about each other. However, you might want to stay home on valentine’s day as mercury enters pisces on february 14. A cozy night in can help you reconnect.
actually, you could start to become a homebody when the sun enters pisces on the eighteenth. If you’re single, it could be love at first sight when juno enters your sign on february 20. Fall head over heels and take a leap of faith in a new relationship. Have fun!
the end of the month becomes very sensual when mars turns direct on the twenty-third. Express intimacy in all its forms, especially since you’ll be putting down roots during the pisces new moon on february 27.