You’ll be starting 2025 longing for romance when venus enters pisces on january 2. While you dream of the “perfect” romance, you’ll need to put yourself out there to find it. Explore your personal needs and desires when mars retrograde reenters cancer on the sixth. Don’t be afraid to get your needs met, sag.
especially since dating gets more sensual when mercury enters capricorn on january 8. Use your words to seduce lovers and seal the deal. Your best date night will be during the cancer full moon on the thirteenth. This will be an intimate time as you create deep bonds with a lover that can change everything. Use your heart and your head when it comes to dating when the sun enters aquarius on january 19. While you’re open to getting to know someone, you’re wise enough to see the red flags. Keep dating casual until you find someone on your level.
send that flirty text message or naughty dm when mercury enters aquarius on the twenty-seventh. It might lead to something more. Say yes to any social event that comes your way during the aquarius new moon on january 29. You might meet someone special. Enjoy!