Your work/life balance might not be ideal for your dating life when venus enters aquarius and mars goes into retrograde on december 6. As work and family obligations pull you in different directions, it might be hard to find love. Ask for relationship advice from someone you trust, scorpio.
fortunately, your best date night will be when mercury goes direct and the full moon is in gemini on the fifteenth. Get ready to get hot and heavy, because an intimate conversation could lead to sparks. Let your guard down to develop a deeper bond.
winter is the start of hibernation season, but you’ll be busier than ever when the sun enters capricorn on december 21. This is a great time to flirt with people when running errands or working on your text game. Even a coffee date can give you some romantic stimulation.
use your words to seal the deal before the year ends during the capricorn new moon on the thirtieth. Before 2024 is over, this is a great time to confess your feelings for your crush or put yourself out there to meet someone special at a nye party. Get your flirt on as you enter 2025. Have fun!