Spring is almost here, virgo, and something is missing from your love life when venus goes into retrograde on march 1. While relationships have changed, you might long for something more. Especially when mercury enters aries on the third. As the snow melts away, the truth will be revealed.
start by taking care of yourself during the lunar eclipse in your sign on march 13. While you might be tempted to “fix” your “flaws,” it’s more important to love yourself. Take relationships slow during mercury’s retrograde the next day. You’re not seeing the big picture, so this is not a great time to take romantic risks.
don’t let jealousy ruin romance when juno goes into retrograde on the nineteenth. Don’t let doubt sever the ties rooted in love. Especially since your best date night will be when the sun enters aries on march 20. Transform your love life by developing deeper intimacy with a lover. Your dating life might go through a rebirth during the aries solar eclipse on the twenty-ninth. Let go of relationships that are no longer serving you so you can move forward, especially as neptune enters aries on march 30. Relationships can be confusing if you hold on too tightly.