Let the creative juices flow all month, leo! Mercury’s retrograde in sagittarius on november 25 is an inspiring time for you to reinvent your creative and artistic pursuits at work. This will lead to a very lucrative payback brought into motion during last month’s lunar eclipse. The only foreseeable issue is that your colleagues may be slightly jealous of your success. This will lead to passive-aggressive behavior from them during the second quarter moon in aquarius on the eighth. The only way to counter the negativity they’re throwing your way is to focus on the projects you are creatively and emotionally invested in. By focusing on what brings you joy, you will be able to finish the work that you’re doing quickly and move on to the next project during the full moon in taurus on november 15. Hopefully, that means that you won’t have to interact with the colleagues who are throwing you shade for a while. You can reap the benefits of your hard work then. Take time to celebrate your professional success.